Who We Are

Globtec Investment LLC was founded in 2005, for structuring and offering investment opportunities to the international market. Following rapid expansion and establishment, the company’s current focus is identifying investment opportunities in well-positioned, innovative companies charting new courses in high-performing industries, including artificial intelligence (AI) development and Bio-Technology.

Globtec benefits from a strong and experienced management team with a successful record of engaging the international investment community. It develops investor-centric solutions and high-profile projects that expand and mature regional capital markets. Today, our wealth management capability of around one billion USD enables us to deliver optimal tax planning and to guide the future strategies of our investors.

As a technically orientated investment and consulting company, we practice responsible investing and put environmental, social and corporate governance considerations ESG at the heart of our processes, policies, and client relationships.

Globtec is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and has offices in New York, London, Geneva and Budapest. The company has additional resources, partnerships, and investors around the world.


Thanks to our deep understanding of the financial sector and our extensive experience in the fields of technology, including artificial intelligence (AI) and biotechnology (Biotech) we cover a broad spectrum of industries and applications with granular know-how. Our unique blend of expertise positions us as a valuable partner for businesses seeking to navigate the complex world of finance and leverage cutting-edge technologies to drive innovation and growth.

Our proven track record of success in both the financial and technology spheres is a testament to our team’s expertise and commitment to excellence. As a team, we have decades of experience in finance, engineering, and global markets and we seek out close relationships with investors who are eager to deal with the challenges of the new decade in those markets. We believe that mutual engagement is the basis for growth, whether as a professional organization, as a team, or as individuals.